Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Health Tip Of The Day #2!

Over the years I have picked up little ways of saving calories and creating simple, high fiber (and low fat) meals. For me, I have found that dinner is where I would consume most of my calories - full of carbs, fat and completely devoid of fiber.

One of my tricks is Lentil Soup. The average can of lentil soup is around 250-300 and has about 15-17 grams of fiber. In other words, it is just about the healthiest thing you can put in your body!The only problem is the sodium content, however with that much fiber, I wouldn't even think about it. I like to eat lentil soup with high fiber crackers or pretzels. You can also eat a simple side salad (with a low calorie vinaigrette dressing) if you want a little more with the meal.

Try having this combination for lunch or dinner once or twice a week. I promise you, it will make a HUGE difference. Every little step you take to add fiber into your diet, the healthier you will be and the more weight you will lose! :)

Here are my favorite brands of lentil soul and my suggestions for delicious and healthy crackers and pretzels:

Always opt for the low sodium can if it's available!

Bon Appetite! :)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Health Tip Of The Day! :)

As you may know, I am a health fanatic (See below posts). I have talked a bit about fiber, however I am now going to post health tips every few days for those of you who need a little boost in the health department.

It's my dream to create a career around my fiber mix and the lifestyle I live. I want to spread my passion and love for healthy eating to as many as I can. My beliefs are a little weird, yet after years of experimenting with different foods and practices, I can finally say that I have control over my weight, body and life!

So here's your food tip of the day:

Miltons Whole Grain Bread (in the red packaging). You can find it at any regular supermarket. There are 5 grams of fiber in each slice and only 90 calories in one slice of bread. There are a lot of other whole wheat breads that pose as high fiber, but this one is the best!


Even adding 5 grams of fiber a day can make a difference! :)

And don't worry about the carbs that come from whole wheat bread. The amazing thing about fiber (to put it simply) is that it essentially cancelles out the carbs, sugar and calories! I make sure to have one slice with egg whites in the morning and sometimes for lunch I will make a sancwhich with two slices. Instead of picking up a high calorie salad or sandwich from the store, make a sandwich with this bread. That's 15 grams of fiber!!

The more fiber the better... however if you don't eat much fiber, it may shock your system. So start slowly and build up. I promise you will start to look and feel better in no time!

Stay tuned for more tips :)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Hollywood in Black & White

The other day I decided to peruse Hollywood with my SLR. Well, by new I mean my fathers Nikon N2000 from 1985... It was so amazing using the camera my parents used together when they traveled overseas in the late 80's.

I'm still learning how to operate such an old camera, but here are a few of my shots! :)





Sunday, September 12, 2010

Ode To Fiber

At one point or another, we all find ourselves here ... Choose a path... Find yourself ... Figure out exactly what you are going to do for the rest of your life blah blah blah

I never would have thought at the age of 24 I would be where I am right now.
I have so many interests and passions, yet, I am utterly confused.

How do I want to spend my life?
How am I ever supposed to choose which path to take?

I do know two things:
Fiber, health and nutrition drive my soul... And photography is my greatest passion.
So, how do I make these two things my life?

In a perfect world, I would travel overseas for months at a time, snapping photos, volunteering, and spreading the word of fiber.

It probably sounds a bit silly, but it's true. I owe my life to fiber. It's completely changed me. My health, my body, my mind... my entire life.

Let me clarify... When I say "it", I mean a fiber supplement that I have been taking religiously for 6 years now. It is a triple fiber, protein, vitamin supplement that my father created about 30 years ago. Since I began taking my dad's advice (and mix), I've tried to learn just about everything I could about nutrition, the human body and the effects of a high fiber diet. Fiber has become a bit trendy in the past year or so, however, the real dominance of fiber is still fairly unknown and very illusive.

In reality, it's as simply as this: a high fiber diet can prevent heart disease, diabetes, colon cancer and obesity. Pretty crazy, huh? It's a difficult one though - because it's nearly impossible to maintain a high fiber diet without a supplement. That's where my dad's mix is key.

I was 18 years old... overweight, low confident and extremely unhealthy. I tried so many ways to lose weight, to feel good and nothing ever worked. I just wanted to feel beautiful and healthy. I wanted to look in the mirror and actually like what I saw... Long story short, I changed my life through my dad's mix and his teachings of fiber. And through all of it, I have developed my own theories on fiber and how it can so easily transform the human body with dedication and a refreshed outlook on what you put in your body.

I promise that I'm not one to preach, I just get a bit carried away (and very emotional) when I talk about all this... It has inspired me so much and I wish more than anything I could help anyone and everyone out there who wants to change their life but doesn't know how.

Nevertheless, I am still at this immense, intimidating crossroads in my life. I have so many passions, yet I feel stuck in this wrath of confusion. What will my 'career' be? How am I supposed to decide what I want to do with the rest of my life?

I do know one thing, and it is going to sound absolutely crazy (as if this entire post hasn't already been rampant and crazy)... But I am thankful to have such strong passions in my life. I am thankful that I can wake up everyday and feel strong, healthy and beautiful.
So for that, thank you fiber :)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

LA In The Summer

A few pictures from the past week :)

Top of the Santa Monica ferris wheel

Amoeba Records in Hollywood

Los Angeles from the roof of my West Hollywood Apartment

I saw Jesus on the Venice Boardwalk

... And Me :)

Monday, August 16, 2010

Which Goldfish Flavor is Your Favorite?

I can't believe I haven't written a post in almost a month! I must get better at keeping up...

Nevertheless, this past weekend my friend Roclynn and I had a Goldfish tasting. Well, it was more like a Goldfish Extravaganza! This probably sounds a bit outlandish (or just plain nuts), however did you know that there are 19 different kinds of Goldfish crackers? For a Goldfish enthusiast like myself, this is very exciting. Thus, the Goldfish extravaganza took place.

First, we went to the grocery store...


Bought every flavor in the store...


Spent $35 on Goldfish...


And were happy little campers :)


After tasting all 19 flavors of Goldfish, we then proceeded to rank them on a scale from 1-5, with categories of cheddar, dessert and other:

  • Original Cheddar: 3
  • Extreme Cheddar: 5
  • Whole Grain Cheddar: 5
  • World treasures Cheddar: 4
  • Colors Cheddar: 2
  • Extreme Garden Cheddar: 2
  • Baby Goldfish Cheddar: 4
  • Vanilla Grahams: 3
  • Honey Grahams: 4
  • Chocolate Gramas: 3
  • Cinnamon Grahams: 3
  • Smores Adventure: 4
  • Pretzel: 5
  • Original: 5
  • Parmesean: 4
  • Extreme Pizza: 2
  • Extreme Sour Cream and Onion: 5
  • Mix-Up Extreme Cheddar & Parmesan: 3
  • Mix-Up Extreme Cheddar & Pretzel: 5


Overall, it was a pretty successful tasting. Hopefully the next time you pass the Goldfish isle at the supermarket, you will try a new flavor! There are so many delicious ones! I also hope I haven't convinced you all that I am completely crazy... Im just a little bit quirky :)

Sunday, July 18, 2010


As I have mentioned before, I am fiercely passionate about photography. One type of photography I am interested in is fashion, and lately I have been shooting my friend Roclynn. She is a working model here in Los Angeles and has a lot of experience. A rare beauty with hair of a goddess. I absolutely love shooting her!

So, I thought I would share a few photos. I'm always looking for critique and love any type of feedback - so feel free to leave me your thoughts :)






Friday, July 16, 2010

Black Or White?

It probably comes to no surprise that I am completely obsessed with ALL Apple products. I've owned almost all versions of their MacBook and currently have the wonderful iPhone 3G. Yet, it is time for me to purchase the new iPhone. I went to the Apple store today and found out that they are coming out with a white one at the end of the month. The downside is that there's a chance it will be even harder to get since they are only releasing a limited quantity. However, I really, really want the white one. On another note, my current iPhone is about to die. It is so glitchy and so slow. What should I do?

Which one do you want?



Saturday, July 10, 2010

“There were so many fewer questions when stars were still just the holes to heaven...”

My mind and heart are still reeling from the surgical mission I went on last month.

I've always dreamed of spending my life making people smile ... And this was the ultimate dream.

Yet, this experience has made me question everything. Every choice I must make. Every dream I have. Every passion I want to pursue. And most distressing, what should be my next move?

Living in Los Angeles for the past year has clearly appeased my appetite for big city living. Now, this city just seems like a joke. Most people driving around in their BMW's, searching for money, fame and their next fling. So vapid and shallow... Of course there are benefits to living here - which I can't discount. There are endless opportunities for so many professions... And I really am excited to explore my photography path here. Nevertheless, after experiencing an Op Smile mission, everything else seems a bit frivolous.

I promise you, I AM a generally optimistic person, it's just that the 10 days I spent in Kenya changed me. The volunteers changed me. They were the most beautiful people I have ever met. And so were the children. They are all such inspirations. The smiles, the love, the warmth and joy - all so infectious and sincere. It's no wonder my father retired from Plastic Surgery to dedicate his life to Operation Smile. If only I could do that...

As I ponder my life, I wanted to share the slideshow from the Nairobi Mission. What a delight to have my work be part of such an incredible organization. Enjoy! :)


Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I can't help but wonder where I'm meant to be.

Los Angeles just doesn't feel like home.

Sure, I love this city. It's vibrant, eclectic and the weather is glorious most of the year. Nevertheless, I'm not like most of the residents in this crazy city. I smile at people who look like they are having a bad day, I'm a considerate driver, I don't care about fame (or famous people in general), I don't drink (much), and I really don't enjoy nightclubs. I'm a genuinely optimistic, free spirited, caring person and there is a very good chance living here will attempt to destroy that.

In my previous relationship, I saw myself moving to Portland, Oregon. That's where I spent my high school years and always saw us having a family and growing old there. But without him, things seem so different. I could see myself living in New Zealand. Or London. Even Spain. If only I could move far from this country, fall in love and spend my life taking photos and going on surgical missions :)

Such a dreamer I am...

Is moving out of the US a realistic dream?

I would love to hear stories from anyone who has made a drastic move or knows anyone who has just packed up and left the county.

Since I'm missing home, enjoy a few pictures from Oahu:





Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Monday, June 28, 2010

How Lovely...

A very sweet woman named Kristi, who works with blogs at Operation Smile, wants to post some of my stories on their web site Operation Smile.

I started this blog just to write about my life, with a few random thoughts, health advice and photos in the mix. As part of Team Nairobi, I thought just the photos and videos would be wanted, but I'm so happy she wants to share my stories and memories with the Op Smile community!

Here are a few more photos from the mission:








Sunday, June 27, 2010

Who says I can't live here?

We didn't get to the Eiffel Tower, but we crossed so many magical sites. I'll let the photos speak for themselves :)

One last comment... My father and I randomly stepped into a coffee shop to sit for a bit. We end up talking to this sweet, absolutely hilarious and kind of crazy man for about 20 minutes... And it was Sinbad... the comedian... I'm pretty sure I'm not the only person who knows of him, but of course my father had no clue. I just love the randomness of life... And I ate an entire bottle of cornichons... Needless to say, it was amazing.







Paris was great to me today! :)